Trauma takes different forms. It can be acute and it can be chronic.
Acute Trauma comes with a shocking, tragic or unexpected event in our life.
Most of the time we work our own way through our trauma. Sometimes we do not.
To different degrees, the lasting effects of trauma can interfere with our lives.
We can be fearful or avoidant of similar situations or of everything. We can have flashbacks related to a traumatic event. Flashbacks can intrude into our waking and sleeping hours. Our sense of fear and anxiety can prevent us living a normal life.
Acute Trauma comes with a shocking, tragic or unexpected event in our life.
Most of the time we work our own way through our trauma. Sometimes we do not.
To different degrees, the lasting effects of trauma can interfere with our lives.
We can be fearful or avoidant of similar situations or of everything. We can have flashbacks related to a traumatic event. Flashbacks can intrude into our waking and sleeping hours. Our sense of fear and anxiety can prevent us living a normal life.
Chronic trauma happens over a period of time. Abuse or neglect or prolonged exposure to stressful experience - especially one which is repeated again and again - in childhood or in adult life can lead to difficult and disabling traumatic effects.
Fear, distrust, misplaced guilt, anxiety, blame, sadness can damage lives. Different things affect different people in different ways. Gordon has special interest and training in the assessment and treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders(PTSD) and other effects of Trauma. EMDR (Eye Movement De-sensitisation and Re-integration) is an evidence based specialised treatment for PTSD and other related problems. As well as advanced training in EMDR, he has done specialist Masterclasses in London with Professor David Skuse - the leading international authority in the field. |