Gordon practices in Durrow and in Portlaoise
conveniently serving
Appointments in Durrow can be made in evenings as well as afternoons and some mornings
Appointments in Portlaoise are in the parish centre and are daytime only
Appointments in Portlaoise are in the parish centre and are daytime only
Driving time to Durrow from various locations
Portlaoise about 20 minutes
Kilkenny City less than 30 minutes
Thurles less than 30 minutes
Cashel about 35 minutes
Clonmel about an hour
Dublin (Luas Park & Ride) 1 hour 10 minutes
Cork (Dunkettle interchange) about 1 hour 15
Limerick about 1 hour 15
Kilkenny City less than 30 minutes
Thurles less than 30 minutes
Cashel about 35 minutes
Clonmel about an hour
Dublin (Luas Park & Ride) 1 hour 10 minutes
Cork (Dunkettle interchange) about 1 hour 15
Limerick about 1 hour 15